Handy SDK

Handy SDK

The Handy SDK is a JavaScript library and a collection of examples to get you started with developing apps for the Handy.

You can download the SDK from our Gitlab repository.

Documentation of usage and the library methods can be found below.

Config variables

  • ENV: string. This value sets which API backend environment is used for API requests. Accepted values are: PRODUCTION, STAGING and LOCAL. The default value is PRODUCTION.
  • autoSync: boolean. If this value is true, the latency between the Handy and the Handy server will be calculated on calling of the connect method. The default value is true.
  • defaultTimeout: number. This value sets the timeout (in milliseconds) for API requests. The default value is 5000 ms.
  • storeKey: boolean. If this value is true, we try to save your connection key in your browser’s localStorage. The default value is true.
  • syncAttempts: number. This value sets the number of request to be performed in order to calculate the average latency between your computer and your Handy. The default value is 30.

Usage on web browsers

  1. Include the handysdk.js in your document’s <head> tag
  2. After that, initialize the library inside a script tag const HANDY = Handy();.
    2.1 You can also set a custom config (see above) by passing variables into the constructor, e.g. const HANDY = Handy({ autoSync: false })
  3. Call the methods available

Usage on Node apps

  1. Import the library const lib = require('./lib/handy.js');
  2. After that, initialize the library const HANDY = lib.init();.
    2.1 You can also set a custom config (see above) by passing variables into the constructor, e.g. const HANDY = lib.init({ autoSync: false })
  3. Call the available methods

Available methods

Ordered alphabetically.


Sets your Handy mode. Handy has two modes: running and stopped. Running is active mode where the Handy moves and responds to commands. Stopped is where the Handy does not move.
  • start: boolean. Set to true to put Handy into running mode. Set to false to put Handy into stopped mode.
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Check your Handy firmware version.
  • None
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Connect your Handy to the Handy servers.
  • key (optional): string. A Handy key. If you don’t send the key, the library will try to get a key from the localStorage.
  • statusCallback (optional): Function. If you call connect with the second argument you will get an object with the state of the Handy every 10 seconds.
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Disconnect your Handy from the Handy servers, and remove the connection key from the state and localStorage.
  • None
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Get the average latency between your Handy and the Handy server.
  • checkNmb (optional): number. Number of latency requests to make to the server. Default is 30.
  • Promise. The request will return the following object { avgOffset, avgRtd }.


Get actual round-trip-delay (rtd) and offset from the Handy server.
  • None
  • Promise. The request will return the following object { rtd, offset }. On failure, it will return a string with the error.
Get the settings of your Handy, like actual speed, stroke or position of the machine.
  • None
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Get complete list of values stored within the SDK. See Response Example for a list of values.
  • None
  • Object. Will return an object with the complete state.


Get the status of your Handy.
  • timeout (optional): number. Desired timeout for the request in milliseconds.
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Get the connection key stored in the state or localStorage.
  • None
  • String. Your stored Handy key. Returns an empty string when there is no stored key.


Get current time of the video.
  • None
  • Number. Returns the current time of the video. 0 by default.


Pause the video.
  • None
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Play action of the video
  • None
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Set your Handy key in the state and, if available, in localStorage.
  • key: string. Your Handy key.
  • None


Prepares the Handy for video sync.
  • url: string. URL for the Handy to download the CSV file.
  • name (optional): string. The name of the file.
  • size (optional): string. The size of the file in bytes.
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Set the speed of the Handy in %. Valid speeds are between 0 and 100. Note: 0% speed does not stop the Handy; rather, it makes it move at the slowest possible speed.
  • speed: number. New speed of the Handy from 0 to 100.
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Sets the Handy's stroke length in percent. Valid stroke lengths are between 0 and 100. Note: 0% stroke does not stop the Handy; rather, it makes it move in the smallest possible stroke length.
  • stroke: number. New stroke of the Handy from 0 to 100.
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Sets the Handy's stroke zone length in percent. Valid stroke lengths are between 0 and 100.
  • stroke: Array. New stroke zone of the Handy from 0 to 100. Array index 0 for the bottom part of the stroke zone and array index 1 for the top part of the stroke zone.
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Sets the video element and its onplaying and onpause events.
  • videoElement: Element<video>. DOM element of the video.
  • None
Sets the Handy mode to stop.
  • None
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


The Handy will adjust on the fly the mismatch between the client video player's current time and the Handy's current video play time.
  • time: number. Where should the sync start at in milliseconds.
  • serverTime: number. The current estimated server time when sending the message.
  • filter (optional): number. How hard the sync adjust should be. (default = 0.5)
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


The Handy will start reading the CSV file and execute the commands within the file at the time specified.
  • time: number. The time in milliseconds where the sync should start.
  • serverTime: number. The current estimated server time when sending the message.
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.


Upload a FunScript, CSV file or a FunScript JSON to Handy servers. If the Handy is connected to the server, it also sets the script.
  • { file, json }. One of the two keys are required. The property file needs to be a DOM file for the client side and a path to the file for Node.js apps. The JSON property needs to be a JSON with FunScript format.
  • Promise. The request will return an object containing the status and a detailed message of the response on the key ‘message’. On failure, it will return a string with the error.

Response Example

key value
actualSpeed string. Handy speed in %.
actualStroke string. Handy stroke in %.
avgOffset number. Average offset.
avgRtd number. Average round-trip delay.
checkingStatus boolean. Shows if you enabled the periodic 10-second callback in the connect method.
connected boolean. True if your Handy is connected.
connectionKey string. Your connection key.
deviceVersion string. Your device firmware version.
isVideoPlaying boolean. True if the video is playing.
lastSpeedReq string. Shows the value of the last set speed request in %.
lastStrokeReq string. Shows the value of the last set stroke request in %.
limitSpeedReq boolean. Shows if the requests are limited due to a continuous changes in a short period of time.
limitStrokeReq boolean. Shows if the requests are limited due to a continuous changes in a short period of time.
mode number. Shows the mode of your Handy.
playing boolean. True if the video is playing.
position number. Current position of the slider in mm.
scriptIsSet boolean. True if the script has been set.
setOffset number. The current offset of the playTime on the machine versus the video player.
setSpeedPercent number. Current relative machine speed (% of max).
setStrokePercent number. Current machine stroke setting in mm.
speed number. Current absolute speed (average over 5000 ms) in mm/s.
url string. URL of the loaded script file.
videoId string. Id of the video element.
message string. Last message for the user.


  • npm i to install dependencies.
  • npm run build to build the bundle for web browsers.