Connect Your Handy to Wi-Fi

Connect Your Handy to Wi-Fi

Connecting your Handy to a wireless network will allow you to have access to firmware updates, HandyFeeling, and other online-connected services like VR and local synchronized videos.

First — Download the App

Second — Configure Wi-Fi Connection

Handy unplugged
1. Plug in your Handy.
Calibration Phase
Handy will calibrate for a few seconds when plugged in.
After calibration, the Handy will enter Offline Mode.
Offline Mode
2. Press and hold button.
Handy will enter Bluetooth Mode.
Bluetooth mode
3. Open the Handyverse app and follow the on-screen instructions until you are able to scan for a machine.
4. Connect to your Handy and configure the Wi-Fi.
5. Write down your connection key.
6. Unplug your Handy and plug it in again.
Handy will re-calibrate and enter Offline Mode again.
Offline Mode
7. Click the button once.
Handy will enter Online Mode.
Online mode
Your Handy is now online and ready to connect to HandyFeeling and other services.